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Misao Hiro (Model Factory hiro)
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 MessaggioInviato: 27 Giu 2023 05:46 pm  Misao Hiro (Model Factory hiro)
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Site Admin
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Sesso: Sesso:Maschio
Età: 57
Registrato: 27/09/07 20:24
Messaggi: 11167
diablo is offline 

Impiego: libero professionista


Ciao ragazzi, con tristezza lo scorso 20 giugno è venuto a mancare Misao Hiro. Crying or Very sad

Notice: Passing of CEO

It is with great sadness and heavy hearts that we are to inform that our founder and president of Model Factory Hiro, Misao Hiro, has passed away on Tuesday, June 20th, 2023 due to illness. He was at the age of 63.

We would like to express our deepest gratitude to all of our business partners, distributors, and customers around the world who have purchased our products, and we would like to express our deepest appreciation for your kindness and support during his lifetime.

A viewing and funeral was held with immediate relatives.

Future plans regarding the company including the appointment of a successor representative will be made in a separate statement in the future.

Mr. Hiro was well known for his love and passion for cars and car modeling, and sought to find new ways to add creativity to his kits. Over the years he has passed down his passions and design philosophies to our employees, and all the staff at MFH will do our utmost to carry on his passions and philosophies into our designs and products without change in the future.

We look forward to your continued support in the future.

Model Factory Hiro
June 27, 2023
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 MessaggioInviato: 27 Giu 2023 05:46 pm Adv

 MessaggioInviato: 27 Giu 2023 07:18 pm  
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Site Mod
Site Mod

Sesso: Sesso:Maschio
Età: 73
Registrato: 12/01/11 12:06
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fantasmak is offline 

Località: Piovarolo di Sotto
Interessi: Modellismo Rolls & Bentley, Porsche, sport prototipi ferromodellismo ecc..

Sito web: http://www.museoferrov...


Dispiace, R.I.P.

Produceva modelli strepitosi: i suoi 1/12 erano da brivido.

Così preziosa come il vino,così gratis come la tristezza.... De Andrè
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